wt.. sty 21st, 2025
Trening angielskiego slajd 1

We hope You have managed to train English with us in the previous 4 sets and revised everything 💪❗ Now, let’s start another part, in which we will train vocabulary extension to the idioms You’ve met here. This time we will concentrate on: 'I AM ALL EARS’.


1️⃣ Read the first 3 slides and get familiar with the subject and 4 idioms/phrases to train. We are going to express the same or similar thoughts using different phrases.

2️⃣ Now go to slide 4 – Study the first idiom/phrase, read the examples out loud, practice the pronunciation and answer the question. Don’t forget to explain your answer. Give yourself 1 day to practice.

3️⃣ Go to slide 5 – Study the second idiom/phrase, read the examples out loud, practice the pronunciation and answer the question. Don’t forget to explain your answer. Give yourself 1 day to practice.

4️⃣ Slide 6 – Study the third idiom/phrase, read the examples out loud, practice the pronunciation and answer the question. Give yourself 1 day to practice.

5️⃣ Slide 7 – Now study the forth idiom/phrase, read the examples out loud, practice the pronunciation and answer the 2 questions – give explanation, why yes/no. Give yourself 1 day to practice.

6️⃣ Slide 8 – NOW IT’S YOUR TURN 🙂 Fill in the sentences with proper idioms/phrases from the training. Give yourself 1 day to practice. Remember to make your own sentences to practice the idioms and phrases for better memory.

7️⃣ REMEMBER TO SHARE the training with your friends, give 👍 or ❤ and comment under the post. Let us know if You like this type of practice 😊


Good luck 💪

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